Thursday 8 December 2011

Don't make me take sides!

Here at The Little Wood Oven, i'm not one to take sides, but I made an exception this time as the customer is always right and besides this football kit is in such a pretty blue. The request was Mancity cake pops with Surname and Lucky number, a bit of a 'Blue Peter' challenge getting the right size and thickness, but I got there in the end!

If football did actually exist in the pink and floury world of The Little Wood Oven and we did actually have to choose a side, it would probably at a push be 'red' because of the homeland, but obviously it would be a slightly different game, far more civilized, a vision of refs in fairy wings with candy whistles , heavily sprinkle'd cake pops at half time, goal keepers on spacehoppers, players in pink legwarmers, fans that cheer by tap dancing and managers that smile as they pass round the lemon drizzle fingers..............................just imagine!

Peace out/cake out!

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