Thursday 29 December 2011

Christmas Cookie Jars

I would love to take credit for this idea, but with festive honestness, i thought i would come clean, an adorable idea that I borrowed from an inspirational blog i read called 'made with pink', but obviously with my own 'Little Wood Oven' twist!

They are easy peasy jars all layered with all the exact dry measured ingrediants to make delicious and naughty cookies. I gave them to friends as little gifts, a fun thing to do with the 'kiddywinks' if the weathers bad over the christmas hollie-jolly-days

All you need to do is add a few extra ingrediants and follow the fairy-proof method and 'Alacazzzam' you have yourself some yummy cookies, i'm eagerly awaiting photographic evidence of the baked cookies being enjoyed by the Christmas Cookie Jar recipients!

Peace out/ cake out!

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