Thursday 29 December 2011

Christmas Cookie Jars

I would love to take credit for this idea, but with festive honestness, i thought i would come clean, an adorable idea that I borrowed from an inspirational blog i read called 'made with pink', but obviously with my own 'Little Wood Oven' twist!

They are easy peasy jars all layered with all the exact dry measured ingrediants to make delicious and naughty cookies. I gave them to friends as little gifts, a fun thing to do with the 'kiddywinks' if the weathers bad over the christmas hollie-jolly-days

All you need to do is add a few extra ingrediants and follow the fairy-proof method and 'Alacazzzam' you have yourself some yummy cookies, i'm eagerly awaiting photographic evidence of the baked cookies being enjoyed by the Christmas Cookie Jar recipients!

Peace out/ cake out!

Sammy's Spitfire Propeller Pops

Its almost written in stone, boys will be boys and girls will be girls, and in this case its completely true, gorgeous Little Sammy is a proper boy and just loves Spitfire planes, the old camo planes that fills millions of boys playtime and dreams, the kind of plane that you just have to glance at a picture and you can almost imagine the deafening roar of the engines as it races through the sky.

So for Sammy's Birthday I made these cake pops, to immitate the propeller of the planes he loves so much!

Chocolate Cake pops, with camo fondant propellers, I hope Sammy had a fun time and enjoyed sharing his Party Propeller pops with all his friends.

Peace out/cake out!

Saturday 17 December 2011

Double Dozen Birthday Box

Believe it or not, this is my first Box of cupcakes I have done to order and there was something so satisfying handing these 24 cupcake delights over to the customer, they were a gift as a Birthday present for a family member, given with love and definately made with large mixing bowl full of love, as we all know cakes made with love always taste 'a hundred and thousands' times better!

Peace out/cake out!

Thursday 15 December 2011

Sing it Sister!

So my gorgeous Sister, oh where do I start, a lot of amazing things come to mind, but those of you that know her, know she likes to sing, shout, croon, holler, whatever you want to call it! That girl just loves to sing at the top her voice and sees any opportunity as a singing competition, even if it is a wedding or funeral!

She’s had many memorable moments in her warbling ‘career’ over the years on and off stage, but the one that I really remember, or the one I was never allowed to forget as it was practiced, morning, noon and night with the volume on extra high was the unforgettable solo at a Christmas Carol concert at a Cathedral in the homeland:
‘silent night, holy night
All is calm, all is bright

Our Parents and Grandparents were ‘proud as punch’ but obviously I wasn’t jealous of the attention, just jealous of the voice,coming from me, the one that was ceremoniously asked not to return to choir, and not even politely asked to mime, I’ve kind of got the message now , even when I utter a tiny  squark I see my family snigger and cringe as they reach for the earmuffs, so in my own Little Wood Oven way, I want to dedicate these cakes to my super douper sister interpreted with their own little Christmas Carols, to get you all in the festive spirit
Mini Christmas Tree Cupcakes

O Christmas Tree, O Christmas tree,
How lovely are your branches!
In beauty green will always grow
Through summer sun and winter snow.
O Christmas tree, O Christmas tree,
How lovely are your branches!

Holly Berry Christmas Pudding pops

The holly and the ivy,
When they are both full grown
Of all the trees that are in the wood
The holly bears the crown
O the rising of the sun
And the running of the deer
The playing of the merry organ
Sweet singing of the choir

Love you lots Sis, Peace Out/cake out!

Christmas at First Light

This was for the  'Christmas Shindig' at the store First Light, cupcakes and cake pops for hungry shoppers to get them in the festive spirit.

A day of fun making festive decorations, lots of ,sparkles, snowflakes, bows and holly, all sprinkled with plenty of Christmas glitter and magic!

                                                           Peace out/ Cake out!

Thursday 8 December 2011

Pop the Cakey Flower

These little Hydrangea Cake Pops were made especially for a local Charity Coffee Morning, hopefully they put a smile on someones face, one of my favourite summer flowers, eaten and enjoyed in winter, thank goodness there's no seasons when it comes to Cake, no rules, available all year round!


Don't make me take sides!

Here at The Little Wood Oven, i'm not one to take sides, but I made an exception this time as the customer is always right and besides this football kit is in such a pretty blue. The request was Mancity cake pops with Surname and Lucky number, a bit of a 'Blue Peter' challenge getting the right size and thickness, but I got there in the end!

If football did actually exist in the pink and floury world of The Little Wood Oven and we did actually have to choose a side, it would probably at a push be 'red' because of the homeland, but obviously it would be a slightly different game, far more civilized, a vision of refs in fairy wings with candy whistles , heavily sprinkle'd cake pops at half time, goal keepers on spacehoppers, players in pink legwarmers, fans that cheer by tap dancing and managers that smile as they pass round the lemon drizzle fingers..............................just imagine!

Peace out/cake out!