Saturday 12 November 2011

Who needs grapes, when there's magic cupcakes!

Its official Little Woods' Words of wisdom, has some advice for you all, the next time you visit a friend who is poorly  and don't want to arrive empty handed, don't reach for the grapes, think out of the box, take some cupcakes, bound to put a smile on anyones face!

Mr Woods and I recently went to see an amazing young chappie in hospital, armed with cupcakes of the double-choc variety, which had been requested! Even on the way in, I caught the nurses eyeing up the box, nudging each other, I was expecting a right 'finger wagging' from the ladies in blue for corupting their patient's diet, instead I was greeted with wide eyes and hopeful 'ooooh they look nice'.

In the hospital room, i spied the pile of fruit on a table in the corner, the healthier option, i know its naughty but i definately got more pleasure giving a box of cupcakes, even more so, if it means our special recovering friend gets extra attention from the nurses, just incase there happens to be any spare buttery chocolate crumbs. I left a happy Little Wood knowing that they will be enjoyed and surely any thing that makes you smile as much as cake must have magic healing powers!!

Peace out/ cake out!!

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