Sunday 20 November 2011

Never too old for PINK!

I made these cupcakes and cake pops for a gorgeous little lady's 7th birthday party this week, her Mum wanted as much pink as possible as she thought her daughter might grow out of pink soon, so it was a good excuse to go all out soft, pastel,sugary, sickly sweet, pink all wrapped up in a little bow!

 I think i'll never grow out of pink, especially when it comes to cake decorations!

Peace out/cake out!

Saturday 12 November 2011

Santa's little helper

I don't usually allow myself to think about Christmas until that 1st window is open on the advent calendar and with a rustle of tinsel and a painful untangle of the antique fairy lights I gently ease myself into the festive season, but this year I thought i might dip my toe in early, i guess even Santa's helpers need a head start!

I've been asked to cater a friends party for her shop's Christmas Preview Party, so i wanted to come up with a few ideas. I didnt want to go the usual  christmas tree and holly line, but still very traditional with Santa as my timeless style icon in red and white, so here's Christmas The Little Wood Oven way, with lots of fairy dust, sprinkles, sugar, icing and most importantly, CAKE!

 I usually get slightly frustrated with how early business' and shops jump on the Christmas train, picking up momentum even before December has begun, but this year I'm embracing it, Christmas is coming, dust off the baubles, buy the party dress, simmer the mulled wine, watch Elf the movie, sing 'Last Christmas' ..... at the top of your voice, overdose on the mince pies(with extra cream) let the 'eat-a-thon' begin, lets do it properly this year, Little Wood Oven would like to be the first to wish you a very Happy Christmas 

Peace out/ cake out!

Cake Pops Perfect for any little Princess come Lifeboat hero!

I made these little cake pops this week, i had them in mind for a little girls princess party, little delicate treats on sticks, with a lemon zing, generously dipped in chocolate topped with pretty pastel bows and vintage buttons. Definately one for the girlies, to be politely nibbled and savoured, not gobbled in one mouthful like those 'Yorkie bar' loving boys.

Mr Wood is a helm on the local Lifeboat Crew and to my huge amusement, these little pops of love were taken to their Thursday night training session, the thought of these big strong sea-fairing boys eating these pink delicate pops really rather tickled me, probably devoured in one bite, Mr Wood came home with lots of nice feedback from 'the boys' but my most favourite of all was ''can she do JCB ones........?''

Who needs grapes, when there's magic cupcakes!

Its official Little Woods' Words of wisdom, has some advice for you all, the next time you visit a friend who is poorly  and don't want to arrive empty handed, don't reach for the grapes, think out of the box, take some cupcakes, bound to put a smile on anyones face!

Mr Woods and I recently went to see an amazing young chappie in hospital, armed with cupcakes of the double-choc variety, which had been requested! Even on the way in, I caught the nurses eyeing up the box, nudging each other, I was expecting a right 'finger wagging' from the ladies in blue for corupting their patient's diet, instead I was greeted with wide eyes and hopeful 'ooooh they look nice'.

In the hospital room, i spied the pile of fruit on a table in the corner, the healthier option, i know its naughty but i definately got more pleasure giving a box of cupcakes, even more so, if it means our special recovering friend gets extra attention from the nurses, just incase there happens to be any spare buttery chocolate crumbs. I left a happy Little Wood knowing that they will be enjoyed and surely any thing that makes you smile as much as cake must have magic healing powers!!

Peace out/ cake out!!

Monday 7 November 2011

Cake your heart out at The Cake Show

Last Friday i made a little trip to the NEC to The Sugarcraft and Cake Show, I was literally like a child in a sweet shop, i think it was nervous excitement about the unknown as I had never been before. As we got there i nearly broke out into a mixture of a skip, hop and trot with enthausiam almost smelling the fondant and chocolate in the air.

I was barely through the door and was hit by a crowd of people 3 deep, all huddled round a jostling stand, entrigued i jumped up and down (height not on my side) to see what all the comotion was about, and to my huge delight they were selling fairy edible dust! A whole stand devoted to making cakes come alive and send subliminal messages to be EATEN! From then on I knew this was going to be a great day.

The huge selection of products available was almost mind blowing, cake supplier shops are very hard to come by round my neck of the woods, so i was running around like a busy bee, soaking up the atmosphere, getting an insight into the amazing professional industry of cake and chocolate, i was literally floored by how nice and helpful everyone was, if a little shocked at how busy it was.

Here's a few of the amazing competition cakes, they were on a whole different level, a standard I have never seen before, with the most outrageous detail and thought, everyone was a winner in my book!

So it was trip completely worth while, i came home with a bag full of inspiration and lots of bits and pieces that i can't wait to put to use, so watch this space

Peace out / cake out!

Tuesday 1 November 2011

Flower Power Cupcakes

There's nothing like a pretty flower to turn a cupcake into a grown up treat, a cherished creation for one. Mr Wood disappeared with a food shopping list and to my huge delight he came home with these flower and leaf cutters, he gets 'a gold star' and he can definately do solo shopping more often, who knows what he might come home with!

Tingle the cupcake tastebuds with Vanilla sponge and  creamy vanilla frosting decorated with a delightful little flower.

I really love tinkering and pottering in the kitchen making the flowers, but really need to update the sugarcraft tool box and get some proper tools! Really must learn to not get the Edible glitter Litterally everywhere!

If only I'd invited friends round for tea.........................oh well maybe next week,
Mr Wood deserves these all to himself!

Peace Out / Cake out!