Friday 28 October 2011

Victoria's Vintage Tea

Ive got a very close friend called Victoria and it was her Birthday way back in July, it was a special birthday so I wanted to throw her a mini vintage tea party, it was my perfect chance to prove Mr Wood wrong and 'actually use' all the vintage crockery I'd been hamstering away over the years. In my perfect daydream world cake should only be eaten off pretty plates with vintage silver forks, washed down with tea drunk from delicate china stirred with a shiny spoon that makes a high 'ding' when tapped (gently) on the side of the cup to prevent any tea drips. This was the kind of elegance i wanted to emulate for Victoria, blow those candles out in style with good company, delicious cakes and a glass of bubbles!

We were utterly lucky with the weather and I managed to lay the table outside, which was rare for this summer. It was surprisingly hard work (forearm aching from holding my hand-mixer for too long, Kitchen Aid desparately still needed!), but i got there in the end.  

                                                       Vanilla and Chocolate Cupcakes

White and Dark Chocolate Cake Pops

        Honouring the Birthday Girl with a Victoria Sponge,
with Strawberries and Meringues

 Blueberry and White Chocolate Cheesecakes

All went to plan (apart from an over excited 2year old pukage, but we wont talk about that!) and most importantly I think Victoria had a lovely afternoon, before the crazy evenings festivities!

Peace out/ Cake out!

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