Sunday 23 October 2011

Bake me a name

So with a few very amateur ‘cake jobs’ and no poisonings under my belt and a gleaming bowl of family and friends encouragement, I decided I want to be more that just ‘that girl from Boardrider who can make a cake pop.’

Boardrider is the surf shop I very gratefully sold my soul too many years ago, my  adopted baby who has taught and given me so much to be thankful for, kept me from a student loan, prevented me doing more snow seasons and importantly helped to nurture a happy relationship with my gorgeous and very hungry cake loving husband Mr Wood, but all this is another story, another blog!

So ‘that girl from Boardrider’ needs a name for her cakes, a disguise or a flour-power of an umbrella to hide behind. So ‘a name’, why does this feel so hard, like I’m stuck at the airport waiting for lift-off to an amazing chocolatey destination (for those of you that are interested looks like a mixture of a scene from Charlie and the Chocolate Factory and the house from Hansel and Gretal with a touch of the vintage crockery from the Madhatter’s tea party), but I’m delayed  in the departure lounge until I make the decision and get a chance to enjoy the ride or the sugar hit, as we all know its all about the journey and not the destination.

 So I’ve been brainstorming a few ideas, playing with words, taking inspiration from my surname, granny’s middle name, where I live and nicknames trying to combine them with a clever blend of me, ‘Mrs Wood’ whisked up with a mouth watering daydream of sweet delights. So here’s a few I’ve dropped in the mix and see what surprise comes out of the oven and see what sticks to the tin! Gertie’s Bakes, The Pink Cake Stand, Benar Wood Bakery, Bumble Bell bakery, The Pink Apron, Poppy Wood’s, The Bell and Wooden Spoon, Kiss my wooden Spoon. But there always seems to be one I keep coming back too, one that I first thought of, one that describes me in a few little words, one that makes me proud of who I am, so here it is sugar-aholics ‘drum roll please’ and yes I am going to shout: ‘THE LITTLE WOOD OVEN’

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