Monday 3 September 2012

Glamping Hen-do

Now I know my posts are usually cake related but i couldn't resist 'blogging' this one, its about cake but with a hen-do twist because I definately can't take all of the credit for the decorating skills involved!

Its official, I am literally the most proudest-Bridesmaid-to-be for one of the most beautiful-Brides-to-be, FACT! So it only seemed appropriate along with the other Bridesmaids that we gave her the send off she deserved. So we came up with a weekend of Glamping for the choosen few in the Lake District.

As you can see, The Yurts and open-air kitchen, were utterly gorgeous!

I baked some fun cupcakes and had edible photo toppers made up of the Bride and Groom, bound to put a smile on all the Hen's faces

After a scoop or two (or three) we decided to hold a cookie decorating competition using some cookies, Blue Peter style that 'i had made earlier' and baked at home. Lets just say as expected the Hens used their imagination with the icing and here are a few examples of the ones that arent too x-rated!

             ............and the winner went to Tappers with this surprisingly life like portrait of the happy couple

The weekend had the most perfect ingrediants of a beautiful setting, amazing company and obviously a decent amount of booze and most importantly I think the Bride had fun!

                Roll-on 15th September and the McMarsden wedding,
                                                 too excited for words!

Peace out / Cake out!

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