Thursday 3 May 2012

Sprinkle me up!

It's officially a good day here at The Little Wood Oven!

Mr Wood has been getting really rather frustrated lately when he sneaks into the 'treat' cupboard for his usual late night sugar-fix, only to be bombarded with a jumble of neon sprinkles and 100's and 1000's jars that are balanced very precariously on top of each other and the slightest wrong move whilst reaching to the depths of the cupboard for his beloved biscuit tin and before you know it theres a jar of yellow acid face sprinkles on your head!

So it came to me in a moment of genius, that a spice rack could be the answer to all my storage problems! I'm sure that many other 'Cakers' use a similar system with a huge lack of space, so here it is, my new most favourite thing, my spice rack converted into a 'Sprinkle Spinning Carousel'. Room for 16 jars of sprinkle heaven!

All my pretty colourful sprinkles, all together and no mismatched jars, even Mr Wood was amazed, i'm not sure what made him more happy spinning the carousel like a proper boy as fast as it could go or the thought of reaching for his biscuit tin without the fear of his hand being bitten off by a rogue jar of white chocolate sprinkle stars!

Also check out the exciting new colours for cake-pop chocolate that might have accidently slipped into my basket when i was buying more sprinkles

sprinkle you heart out/ cake out!

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