Thursday 9 February 2012

Meet Kitty, Little Wood’s Partner in Caking Crime!

Go on I know you'll have a little chuckle to yourself at this post, but today was a good day! I  Received a gift, a gift of all gifts, a gift to myself from myself!!

So everyone needs a little help,  an extra pair of hands just to make life a little easier, lets face it Knightrider had Kitt, Harry had his Nimbus 3000, Turner had Hooch, Popeye has his spinach, Pat from ‘Enders had her dangly earrings, (they didn’t technically help her in Albert square, but she still wouldn’t be the same without them!)Batman had the BatMobile, Carrie had her sexy Louboutins and now fellow cake eaters The Little Wood Oven now has her Kitchen Aid!

I'm very please to introduce 'Kitty' the Kitchen Aid my new partner in caking crime!

I know shes not going to ensure perfect cakes , but shes sure going to help along the way, got a feeling now I’ve got her I won’t beable to live without her and besides she is very pretty, even if they didn’t have the ‘mint’ colour instock, but Shhhhhhhh don’t let her hear me say that, she still rocks in cream!

Peace out/ cake out!

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