Wednesday 25 January 2012

Doughnuts in disguise

So lets set the scene, the noise hits you first, even from the car park, getting louder and louder as you get closer and closer,the excitement thudding in your chest, an amalgamation of different pumping beats fighting for attention to attract you to the thrill of each ride and the happy squeal and screams of people having the time of their lives. Then the lights provide a feast for the eyes, flashing mainly reds and golds as they wiz past you round and round up and down. People rush past eager to get to the next ride, holding on to balloons and parents hands, smiling from ear to ear. Young lovers hold hands on the big wheel and look at the madness of the scene below.

Then it hits you, the classic smell of all fairgrounds, the traditional smell of all things naughty and sweet which is tracked down to a candy striped doughnut van and before you know it mouth watering you are clutching a warm sugary bag of gooey jam doughnuts

Doughnuts have always seemed so hard to make but heres The Little Wood Oven twist doughnuts in disguise or are they muffins in disguise, you  decide! They are baked rather than deep-fried, so way easier to make, but with the same doughnut taste with raspberry jam surprise in the middle, I guess you could say the thrill of the Helter Skelter  but the sin of the gentle carousel

The day I made these, would have been my amazing Dad’s 64th Birthday
“ So Happy Birthday Dad,the doughnuts are on me!’

Peace out/ doughnut out!

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